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EuroCloud Europe

Company Name
EuroCloud Europe

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Company Info
EuroCloud Europe is the European umbrella organization of more than 20 national EuroCloud associations throughout Europe. It provides orientation, guidance and best practice sharing to accelerate the adoption of cloud computing for the benefit of the European economy and disseminates information about new business models and opportunities with a special focus on SMEs. Additionally, EuroCloud supports a stimulating environment for the development and growth of cloud computing and fosters the development of a European digital single market and acts as a completely vendor neutral, knowledge sharing network between cloud computing customers and providers. EuroCloud maintains an open dialogue with start-ups, universities, research centers, governmental authorities and stakeholders of the cloud ecosystem on national, European and global levels.

Key Acquisitions

Analyst/Media Contacts

Industry Organizations Associations

Glossary Associations

Index Associations

Ecosystems Associations

Products Associations