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Industry Organizations

MCMA (Motion Control & Motor Association)

Industry Organization Name
MCMA (Motion Control & Motor Association)




Industry Organization Description
A global motion control trade association that was developed to advance the global understanding and use of motion control and related automation technologies and to help our member companies and the industry grow. We promote innovation and growth from supply through distribution by providing comprehensive education, research, communication, industry trades shows, events and networking.

MCMA is a part of the A3 (Association for Advancing Automation).

Case Study
Smart drives and control platforms provide a way for companies to improve manufacturing while lowering price, enabling them to deliver more for less. Read about the paradox of smart manufacturing and the challenges of automation.

MCMA will host a webinar to look at key trends in motion control technology and applications for 2019.

Media Contact
+1 (734) 994-6088
Form found here.

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