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Altice Labs Altaia

Product Name
Altice Labs Altaia

Altaia is an end-to-end assurance solution multi-service, multi-technology and multi-vendor environments. The platform collects and consolidates performance data from several network domains, delivering understandable quality of delivered services and user experience. Altaia ensures that network and services operate at peak performance, availability and subscriber quality expectations are fulfilled. The framework can be used for engineering, performance and supervision teams; marketing and customer key accounts; planning and optimization; and customer care.

Features include:

* Network, Service and Customer KPI/KQIs management
* Powerful applications designed to improve efficiency and support the operational activities, from KPI and KQI overviews to root-cause analysis and data exploration
* Proactive Network and Service monitoring supporting the configuration of advanced threshold rules
* Real-time and historic data across whole network to provide advanced analytics perspectives

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